Calculating the System Current Draw Power Supply Calculations
MRP-2001 & MRP-2001E PN 53040:A 4/16/2007 101
Table 5-3 contains three columns for calculating current draws. For each column, calculate the
current and enter the total (in amperes) in the bottom row. When finished, copy the totals from Cal-
culation Column 2 and Calculation Column 3 to Table 5-4 on page 102.
TABLE 5-3:System Current Draw Calculations
Device Type
Calculation Column 1
Primary, Non-Fire Alarm Current
Calculation Column 2
Primary, Fire Alarm Current
Calculation Column 3
Secondary, Non-Fire Alarm Current
Qty X[current draw]= Total Qty X [current draw] = Total Qty X[current draw]= Total
Main Circuit Board 1 X[0.122]= 0.122 1
0.185 1 X[0.122]= 0.122
CAC-5X [ ] X[0.001]= [ ] X[0.001]= [ ] X[0.001]=
4XTMF [ ] X[0.005]= [ ]
[ ] X[0.005]=
ANN-80 [ ] X[0.037]= [ ] X[0.040]= [ ] X[0.037]=
2-wire Detector Heads [ ]
X[ ]
[ ] X[ ]= [ ] X[ ]=
4-wire Detector Heads [ ]
X[ ]
[ ] X[ ]= [ ] X[ ]=
Power Supervision
[ ] X[0.025]= [ ] X[0.025]= [ ] X[0.025]=
NAC #1
[ ] X[ ]=
NAC #2 [ ] X[ ]=
NAC #3
NAC #4
Current Draw from
TB9 (nonalarm
[ ]= [ ]= [ ]=
Sum each column
for totals Primary Non-Alarm = Primary Alarm = Secondary Non-Alarm =
Table Footnote
1. If using the Reverse Polarity Alarm output, add 0.005 amps; if using the Reverse Polarity Trouble output, add another 0.005
2. Refer to the Device Compatibility Document for standby current.
3. Must use compatible listed Power Supervision Relay.
4. Current limitation of Terminal TB5 circuits is 3.0 amps per NAC
5. The total standby current must include both the resettable (TB9 Terminals 3 & 4) and nonresettable/resettable (TB9 Terminals 1
& 2) power. Caution must be taken to ensure that current drawn from these outputs during alarm does not exceed maximum rat-
ings specified. Current limitations of TB9, Terminals 1 & 2 = 0.500 amps, filtered, 24 VDC +/-5%, 120 Hz ripple @ 10 mV
nonresettable power and TB9, Terminals 3 & 4 = 0.500 amps, filtered, 24 VDC +/-5%, 120 Hz ripple @ 10mV
, resettable
6. Total current draw listed above cannot exceed 7.0 amps