
Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter 9 Troubleshooting Commands
Display Switching Alarmsdisplays alarms for switching circuits on the PXM45.
The dspswalm command can be used to determine if a card should be returned to Cisco for repair. For
optional fault isolation after you execute dspswalm, use the crossbar commands to see if crossbar errors
have occurred. The crossbar-specific commands apply to hardware or software developers who may
need analyze the behavior of the switch ASIC. In the PXM45, if one switch ASIC (out of three) has
serious errors, the total switch capacity falls short of the maximum 45 Gbps.
The following is a top-down sequence of alarm-related commands that lead to isolating possible faults
in the switch fabric (or crossbar):
1. dspndalms
2. dspswalms
3. dspxbaralm
4. dspxbarerrcnt
An alarm can originate in any of the following:
The backplane or any other part of signal path that connects a service module with a switch ASIC
Crossbar ASIC on the PXM45
Buffer circuitry on a service module
The definition of each alarm severity comes from Bellcore TR-NWT-000474. An alarm can be:
Critical, indicating complete, non-recoverable failure, loss of data, and do on. The failed entity must
be restored. A power failure or a line being disconnected is an example.
Major, indicating service-affecting errors. This event indicates that a major service is damaged or
lost, but the existing traffic is not affected.
Minor, indicating non-service affecting errors or errors on a remote node. Corrective action is
appropriate to prevent a serious fault from developing. An example is a fan failure, where no
subscribers are immediately affected, but calamity could result if the situation persists. Note that an
accumulation of lower-level alarms does equal a higher-level alarm.
Cards on Which This Command Runs
Syntax Description
This command takes no parameters.
Related Commands
dspndalms, dspxbarerrcnt