
Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter 5 PNNI Commands
Display PNNI Summary Addressdisplay the PNNI summary addresses.
The dsppnni-summary-addr command displays all summary addresses at the specified degree of
If you specify node-index, the command displays the PNNI summary addresses of the node-index
PNNI node.
If you do not specify node-index, the command displays PNNI summary addresses for all local
nodes on network.
Use addpnni-summary-addr to create a new summary addresses or to configure an existing one.
Cards on Which This Command Runs
Syntax Description
Display Contents
node-index Specify the system-generated identifier of a logical node within a hierarchy. In
the current release, the only node-index is 1.
Range: 110.
Default = 1.
node index The number of the node within the hierarchy on this switch. The range for a
multi-peer group is 110. For a single-peer group, the only node index is 1.
Type Display the value of the argument -typewhether the kind of PNNI summary
address is internal or external.
In the current release, the value of the -type argument must be internal.
internal: This PNNI summary address includes only addresses that are within
the peer group.
exterior: This PNNI summary address includes addresses that are outside of
the peer group.
Suppress Display the value of the argument -suppress—whether the node PNNI
summary address is advertised or suppressed.
false: The PNNI summary address is advertised (is not suppressed).
true: The PNNI summary address is not advertised (is suppressed).