
Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter 9 Troubleshooting Commands
Related Commands
Configure the following thresholds for triggering a major line-level alarm on line 2 in bay 1:
The line type is SONET line.
The bay is 1, and the line number is 2.
The severity of the triggered alarm is major.
The errored seconds for a 15-minutes period and a 24-hour period are 60 and 600, respectively.
The severely errored seconds for a 15-minutes period and a 24-hour period are 3 and 7, respectively.
The code violations for a 15-minutes period and a 24-hour period are 75 and 750, respectively.
The unavailable seconds for a 15-minutes period and a 24-hour period are 10 and 10, respectively
node4.1.AXSM.a > cnfalm -sonetline 1.2 -lnsev 2 -lnes15 60 -lnes24 600 -lnses15 3 -lnses24
7 -lncv15 75 -lncv24 750 -lnuas15 10 -lnuas24 10
Check the configuration by executing dspalmcnf for the line number and line type in this example.
node4.1.AXSM.a > dspalmcnf -sonetline 1.2
LineNum: 1.2
Line Stat Alarm Severity: No Alarm
15min Threshold 24hr Threshold
Line ESs : 60 600
Line SESs: 3 7
Line CVs : 75 750
Line UASs: 10 10
-puas15 <UAS15min> PLCP unavailable seconds during a 15-minute period.
-puas24<UAS24Hr> PLCP unavailable seconds during a 24-hour period.
Log: log State: active Privilege: GROUP1