
Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter 6 Logical Node, Port, and Signaling Commands
Configure Port Connection Admission Controlconfigure CAC for a all connections on a port.
The cnfpnportcac command lets you reserve a percent of the bandwidth parameters for an individual
service type. The new configuration applies to new, incoming calls, while existing calls remain
unaffected. You can execute this command whether the port is active or in the provisioning state.
The bookfactor is the percent of utilization. It applies to connection admission control (CAC). The
booking factor does not apply to the available cell rate (AvCR) advertised by the switch to the controller.
When the default for maxbw and minbw is used for all service types, the common AvCR is advertised
for all the service types.
You must specify at least one of the optional keywords.
Cards on Which This Command Runs
cnfpnportcac <portid> <service_category>
[-bookfactor utilization-factor]
[-maxbw max-bw-percent]
[-minbw min-bw-percent]
[-maxvc max-vc-percent]
[-minvc min-vc-percent]
[-maxvcbw max-vc-bw]
Syntax Description
portid The portid is the PNNI physical port. The format is
[shelf.]slot[:subslot].port[:subport]. See also PNNI Format, page 6-4.
service_category Service category (service type). Choices are: cbr, rtvbr, nrtvbr, ubr, or abr.
-bookfactor The service category utilization factor (SCUF) for a service type.
Range: 1200
Default: 100
-maxbw The max-bw-percent: maximum percentage of bandwidth for a service category
on this port.
Range: 0100.0000
Default: 100
-minbw The min-bw-percent: minimum percentage bandwidth for a service category on
this port.
Range: 0100.0000
Default: 0