■ Constant-value operation data settings “C N S t”
No. Item Code Item Factory User Setting
Setting Setting
1 M .O D E 0
2 S P 0
3 S P 2 0
4 E V 1 9999
5 E V 2 9999
6 E V 3 9999
7— —
8— —
9— —
10 — —
11 P . 100.0
12 I . 0
13 D . 0
14 O L . 0.0
15 O H . 100.0
16 R E . 50.0
17 B R . 0
18 D P . 100.0
19 D I . 120
20 D D . 0
21 P .-C 100.0
22 I .-C 0
23 D .-C 0
24 O L .-C 0.0
25 O H .-C 100.0
26 R E .-C 50.0
27 — —
28 — —
29 — —
30 — —
0: Program operation
1: Constant-value operation
This setting can be changed only in the READY mode.
This setting can be set in the SP1 lower to upper limit
range in setup data settings C 0 q and C 1 0.
“– – – –” is displayed and setting is not possible.
-1999 to 9999U (event type is deviation or SP)
0 to 9999U (event type is absolute value deviation)
-10.0 to 110.0% (event type is MV or MFB)
When the event configuration data type setting is ≥ 50
for each event, “– – – –” is displayed and setting is not
“– – – –” is displayed and setting is not possible.
P : 0.0 to 999.9% (0D, 6D output models)
0.0 enables ON-OFF control.
0.1 to 999.9% (models other than 0D and 6D
I : 0 to 3600s
0 disables integral action.
D : 0 to 1200s
0 disables derivative action.
O L : -10.0 to MV upper limit %
O H : MV lower limit to 110.0%
R E : 0.0 to 100.0%
B R : 0 to 30
0 disables the brake function.
D P : 0.1 to 999.9%
D I : 1 to 3600s
D D : 0 to 1200
0 disables derivative action.
• On 0D and 6D output models, when P setting is 0.0,
ON-OFF control is enabled. “– – – –” is displayed for
items I, D, O L, O H, R E, D P, D I and D D, and
setting is not possible.
• When variable parameter M .-C setting is 2 (estimated
position control only) on 2G output models, “– – – –” is
displayed for items OL and OH, and setting is not
• When I setting is not 0, “– – – –” is displayed for R E
and setting is not possible.
• When variable parameter S T setting is 0 (smart-tuning
disabled), “– – – –” is displayed for B R and setting is
not possible.
• When variable parameter 2 P I D setting is 0 (2
degrees of freedom PID disabled), the items for D P,
D I, D D are not displayed.
For details, see the Note for PID parameters.
“– – – –” is displayed and setting is not possible.
Operation mode
Event 1 setting
Event 2 setting
Event 3 setting
Proportional band
Reset time (CH1)
Rate time (CH1)
MV lower limit (CH1)
MV upper limit (CH1)
Manual reset (CH1)
Brake (CH1)
Disturbance inhibit
proportional band
Disturbance inhibit
reset time (CH1)
Disturbance inhibit
rate time (CH1)
Proportional band
(for cool control)
Reset time (CH1)
(for cool control)
Rate time (CH1) (for
cool control)
MV lower limit (CH1)
(for cool control)
MV upper limit (CH1)
(for cool control)
Manual reset (CH1)
(for cool control)