Installing SANsurfer FC HBA Manager
Initial Installation
SN0054651-00 F 4-3
Installation Instructions
The SANsurfer installer is a self-extracting utility that installs SANsurfer FC HBA
Manager and related files.
If the utility is already installed, you may want to perform routine Web/CD based
If you are installing the SANsurfer FC HBA Manager agent on a NetWare server,
note the following:
You cannot install the SANsurfer FC HBA Manager agent directly on a
NetWare server; you must install the agent from a Windows system
connected to the NetWare server.
The prerequisites for each NetWare server are as follows:
A Windows system must be connected to the NetWare server through
the TCP/IP network.
The Windows system must have a drive mapped to the NetWare
server system volume (sys:\).
Perform the following steps to install SANsurfer FC HBA Manager on your system
or on the NetWare server connected to this system.
If you are installing SANsurfer on a Macintosh, download the StuffIt
file and
expand the contents. After the contents are expanded, double-click the
Install icon using the Finder™.