SANsurfer FC HBA Manager Overview
SN0054651-00 F 1-3
Persistently bind targets—The adapter driver binds a target ID using a
target's world wide port name (WWPN) or port ID, enabling the target
ID to always connect to the WWPN or port ID across reboots
regardless of SAN reconfigurations
Update the adapter parameters, Flash, and adapter driver.
Statistics. SANsurfer FC HBA Manager provides statistics for each
host and adapter port. These statistics can be collected automatically
or on request. You can reset statistics at any time. In addition, you can
export the statistics to a comma separated values (CSV) file, which
can be imported into other applications, for example, Microsoft®
Adapter diagnostics. SANsurfer FC HBA Manager provides end-to-end
diagnostics that enable you to test the adapters and the devices to which
they are connected. SANsurfer FC HBA Manager diagnostics allow you to
do the following:
Test the link status of each adapter and its attached devices.
Perform a loopback test, which is external to the adapter, to evaluate
the ports (transmit and receive transceivers) on the adapter and the
error rate.
Perform a read/write buffer test, which tests the link between the
adapter and its attached devices.
Run diagnostics on small form factor pluggable (SFP) transceivers per
SFF-8472 Specification for Diagnostic Monitoring Interface for Optical
Xcvrs, Revision 9.3 August 1, 2002.
View transceiver details.
Application event and adapter event notifications. SANsurfer FC HBA
Manager provides asynchronous notification of various conditions and
problems through alarms and events. Alarm information includes severity,
time, host, adapter, application, and description. Event information includes
severity, time, and message. In addition, you can export the alarm and event
information to a CSV file, which can be imported into other applications,
such as Microsoft Excel. Alarm information can be sent automatically by
email to a distribution list.
You can install the adapter driver before you install the adapter hardware.