Q-Logic SN0054651-00 F MP3 Player Accessories User Manual

System Requirements
Supported QLogic Adapters
3-4 SN0054651-00 F
Supported QLogic Adapters
The following supported QLogic adapters are collectively referred to as the
QLA2xxx adapters throughout this guide (unless otherwise noted).
QEM2462 QLA2344 QLE2362 QLE2562
QLA200 QLA2344-P QLE2440 QLE2564
QLA210 QLA2440 QLE2460 QLE8042
QLA2310 QLA2460 QLE2462 QSB2340
QLA2310F QLA2462 QLE2464 QLE2562
QLA2340 QLE220 QLE2540
QLA2342 QLE2360 QLE2560