show memory processor
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference
July 2008
show memory processor
To display statistics on the router processor memory, use the show memory processor command in user
EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.
show memory processor [fragment | free | statistics]
Syntax Description
Command Modes User EXEC
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Examples The following is sample output from the show memory processor commands:
Router# show memory processor
Processor memory
Address Bytes Prev Next Ref PrevF NextF Alloc PC what
6540BBA0 0000016388 00000000 6540FBD4 001 -------- -------- 60883984 TW Buckes
6540FBD4 0000016388 6540BBA0 65413C08 001 -------- -------- 60883984 TW Buckes
65413C08 0000016388 6540FBD4 65417C3C 001 -------- -------- 60883984 TW Buckes
65417C3C 0000006004 65413C08 654193E0 001 -------- -------- 608A0D4C Process k
654193E0 0000012004 65417C3C 6541C2F4 001 -------- -------- 608A0D4C Process k
6541C2F4 0000411712 654193E0 65480B64 000 0 0 608A0D4C (fragmen)
65480B64 0000020004 6541C2F4 654859B8 001 -------- -------- 608CF99C Managed s
654859B8 0000010004 65480B64 654880FC 001 -------- -------- 6085C7F8 List Eles
654880FC 0000005004 654859B8 654894B8 001 -------- -------- 6085C83C List Heas
654894B8 0000000048 654880FC 65489518 001 -------- -------- 62BF31DC *Init*
Table 112 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
fragment (Optional) Displays the block details of fragmented free blocks and allocated
blocks, which are shown either preceding or following the blocks on the free list.
free (Optional) Displays the number of free blocks.
statistics (Optional) Displays only memory processor statistics.
Release Modification
12.0 This command was introduced.
Table 112 show memory processor Field Descriptions
Field Description
Address Hexadecimal address of the block.
Bytes Size of the block (in bytes).
Prev. Address of the preceding block (should match the address on the preceding line).
Next Address of the following block (should match the address on the following line).
Ref Reference count for that memory block, indicating how many different processes are
using that block of memory.