show processes memory
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference
July 2008
• show processes memory Command for Releases Prior to 12.3(11)T, 12.2(28)S, and 12.0(30)S
• show processes memory Command for Cisco IOS Software Modularity
show processes memory Command for Releases Prior to 12.3(7)T, 12.2(22)S, and 12.0(28)S
The following is sample output from the show processes memory command:
Router# show processes memory
Processor Pool Total: 25954228 Used: 8368640 Free: 17585588
PID TTY Allocated Freed Holding Getbufs Retbufs Process
0 0 8629528 689900 6751716 0 0 *Init*
0 0 24048 12928 24048 0 0 *Sched*
0 0 260 328 68 350080 0 *Dead*
1 0 0 0 12928 0 0 Chunk Manager
2 0 192 192 6928 0 0 Load Meter
3 0 214664 304 227288 0 0 Exec
4 0 0 0 12928 0 0 Check heaps
5 0 0 0 12928 0 0 Pool Manager
6 0 192 192 12928 0 0 Timers
7 0 192 192 12928 0 0 Serial Backgroun
8 0 192 192 12928 0 0 AAA high-capacit
9 0 0 0 24928 0 0 Policy Manager
10 0 0 0 12928 0 0 ARP Input
11 0 192 192 12928 0 0 DDR Timers
12 0 0 0 12928 0 0 Entity MIB API
13 0 0 0 12928 0 0 MPLS HC Counter
14 0 0 0 12928 0 0 SERIAL A'detect
78 0 0 0 12992 0 0 DHCPD Timer
79 0 160 0 13088 0 0 DHCPD Database
8329440 Total
Table 136 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Table 136 show processes memory Field Descriptions
Field Description
Processor Pool
Total amount of memory, in kilobytes, held for the Processor memory pool.
Used Total amount of used memory, in kilobytes, in the Processor memory pool.
Free Total amount of free memory, in kilobytes, in the Processor memory pool.
PID Process ID.
TTY Terminal that controls the process.
Allocated Bytes of memory allocated by the process.
Freed Bytes of memory freed by the process, regardless of who originally allocated it.
Holding Amount of memory, in kilobytes, currently allocated to the process.
Getbufs Number of times the process has requested a packet buffer.
Retbufs Number of times the process has relinquished a packet buffer.
Process Process name.
*Init* System initialization process.