show version
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference
July 2008
Package: sipspa, version: v122_33_xn_asr_rls0_throttle, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-sipspa.v122_33_xn_asr_rls0_throttle.pkg, on: CC1/0
Built: 2007-11-11_17.16, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 6ad199569dad7d8b35beac2c8a72b080f9662897
Package: sipspa, version: v122_33_xn_asr_rls0_throttle, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-sipspa.v122_33_xn_asr_rls0_throttle.pkg, on: CC1/1
Built: 2007-11-11_17.16, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 6ad199569dad7d8b35beac2c8a72b080f9662897
Package: sipspa, version: v122_33_xn_asr_rls0_throttle, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-sipspa.v122_33_xn_asr_rls0_throttle.pkg, on: CC1/2
Built: 2007-11-11_17.16, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 6ad199569dad7d8b35beac2c8a72b080f9662897
Related Commands
Table 149 show version installed, provisioned, and running Field Descriptions
Field Description
Package: The individual sub-package name.
version: The consolidated package version of the individual sub-package.
status: Reveals if the sub-package is active or inactive for the specific
hardware component only.
File: The location and filename of the individual sub-package file.
on: The hardware component.
Built: The date the individual sub-package was built.
File SHA1 checksum: The SHA1 sum for the file. This sum can be compared against a
SHA1 sum generated by any SHA1 sum-generating tool.
Command Description
show diag Displays hardware and diagnostic information for a networking device, a
line card, a processor, a jacket card, a chassis, or a network module.
show inventory Displays the Cisco Unique Device Identifier information, including the
Product ID, the Version ID, and the Serial Number, for the hardware device
and hardware components.