show platform software process list
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference
July 2008
Slab : 73760
VMmalloc Chunk : 426840
VMmalloc Total : 474856
VMmalloc Used : 47372
Writeback : 0
Swap (kB)
Total : 0
Used : 0
Free : 0
Cached : 0
Buffers (kB) : 6144
Load Average
1-Min : 0.00
5-Min : 0.00
15-Min : 0.00
Table 128 describes the significant fields shown in the summary keyword display.
Table 128 show platform software process list summary Field Descriptions
Field Description
Total number of processes Total number of processes in all possible states.
Running Number of processes in the running state.
Sleeping Number of processes in the sleeping state.
Disk sleeping Number of processes in the disk-sleeping state.
Zombies Number of processes in the zombie state.
Stopped Number of processes in the stopped state.
Paging Number of processes in the paging state.
Up time System Up time (in seconds).
Idle time System Idle time (in seconds).
User time System time (in seconds) spent in user mode.
Kernel time System time (in seconds) spent in kernel mode.
Virtual memory Virtual memory size (in bytes).
Pages resident Resident page size.
Major page faults Number of major page faults.
Minor page faults Number of minor page faults.
Architecture System CPU architecture: PowerPC (ppc).
Memory (kB) System memory heading.
Physical Total physical memory (in kilobytes).
Total Total available memory (in kilobytes). This value represents
the physical memory available for kernel use.
Used Used memory (in kilobytes).
Free Free memory (in kilobytes).
Active Most recently used memory (in kilobytes).