show warm-reboot
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference
July 2008
show warm-reboot
To display the statistics for attempted warm reboots, use the show warm-reboot command in privileged
EXEC mode.
show warm-reboot
Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes Privileged EXEC
Command History
Usage Guidelines Use the show warm-reboot command to see if warm rebooting is enabled, and, if so, how many warm
reloads have occurred and how much space in kilobytes (KB) is consumed by warm-reboot storage,
which is the RAM area used to store the data segment that enables warm reloading to function.
Examples The following example is sample output from the show warm-reboot command:
Router# show warm-reboot
Warm Reboot is enabled
10 warm reboots have taken place since the last cold reboot
XXX KB taken up by warm reboot storage
Related Commands
Release Modification
12.3(2)T This command was introduced.
12.2(18)S This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Relase 12.2(18)S.
12.2(28)SB This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Relase 12.2(28)SB.
Command Description
warm-reboot Enables a router to warm-reboot.