show processes cpu
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference
July 2008
Related Commands
Table 135 show processes cpu detailed (Software Modularity) Field Descriptions
Field Description
Total CPU utilization for five seconds Total CPU utilization for the last 5 seconds. The second
number indicates the percent of CPU time spent at the
interrupt level.
one minute Total CPU utilization for the last minute.
five minutes Total CPU utilization for the last 5 minutes.
PID/TID Process ID or task ID.
5Sec Percentage of CPU time spent at the interrupt level for this
process during the last five seconds.
1Min Percentage of CPU time spent at the interrupt level for this
process during the last minute.
5Min Percentage of CPU time spent at the interrupt level for this
process during the last five minutes.
Process Process name.
Prio Priority level of the process.
STATE Current state of the process.
CPU CPU utilization of the process in minutes and seconds.
type Type of process; can be either IOS or POSIX.
Task Task sequence number.
Runtime(ms) CPU time that the process has used (in milliseconds).
Invoked Number of times that the process has been invoked.
uSecs Microseconds of CPU time for each process invocation.
5Sec CPU utilization by task in the last 5 seconds.
1Min CPU utilization by task in the last minute.
5Min CPU utilization by task in the last 5 minutes.
TTY Terminal that controls the process.
Task Name Task name.
Command Description
show processes Displays information about active processes.
show processes memory Displays the amount of system memory used per system process.