show platform software memory
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference
July 2008
Usage Guidelines The specification of the database and brief keywords are optional.
The specification of a process and slot are required.
Examples The following example displays memory information for the Forwarding Manager process for
Cisco ASR 1000 Series RP slot 0:
Router# show platform software memory forwarding-manager r0
Module: cdllib
allocated: 900, requested: 892, overhead: 8
Allocations: 2, failed: 0, frees: 1
Module: eventutil
allocated: 117379, requested: 117059, overhead: 320
Allocations: 46, failed: 0, frees: 6
Module: uipeer
allocated: 9264, requested: 9248, overhead: 16
Allocations: 3, failed: 0, frees: 1
Module: Summary
allocated: 127543, requested: 127199, overhead: 344
Allocations: 51, failed: 0, frees: 8
Table 122 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
The following example displays abbreviated (brief keyword) memory information for the Chassis
Manager process for Cisco ASR 1000 Series ESP slot 0:
Router# show platform software memory chassis-manager f0 brief
module allocated requested allocs frees
CPP Features 692 668 3 0
Summary 497816 495344 323 14
chunk 419322 419290 4 0
eventutil 68546 66146 312 12
uipeer 9256 9240 4 2
Table 122 show platform software memory Field Descriptions
Field Description
Module: Name of submodule.
allocated: Memory, allocated in bytes.
requested: Number of bytes requested by application.
overhead: Allocation overhead.
Allocations: Number of discrete allocation event attempts.
failed: Number of allocation attempts that were attempted, but
frees: Number of free events.