
show platform software tech-support
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference
July 2008
Command History
Usage Guidelines If the file keyword is specified, the specification of the bootflash: or harddisk: keyword and filename
is required.
The show platform software tech-support command without a destination file path specification
returns a large volume of information in a short period of time. You should save the output of the show
platform software tech-support command in a log file to send to Cisco Technical Support for analysis.
Examples The following example displays system information for Cisco Technical Support:
Router# show platform software tech-support
---- show version installed -----
Type: provisioning file, Version: unknown
Provisioned on: RP0, Status: active
File: packages.conf.super
Modified: 2007-11-07 15:06:12.212303000 +0000
SHA1 (header): d929d995d5ba2d3dedf67137c3e0e321b1727d7b
SHA1 (calculated): d929d995d5ba2d3dedf67137c3e0e321b1727d7b
SHA1 (external): a16881b6a7e3a5593b63bf211f72b8af9c534063
instance address : 0X890DE9B4
fast failover address : 00000000
cpp interface handle 0
instance address : 0X890DE9B8
fast failover address : 00000000
cpp interface handle 0
instance address : 0X890DE9BC
fast failover address : 00000000
Note The show platform software tech-support command returns a large volume of information in a short
period of time. The example above has been abbreviated for the purposes of this description.
The following example creates a technical support information tar file for the boot flash memory file
system on the active RP:
Router# show platform software tech-support file bootflash:tech_support_output.tgz
Running tech support command set; please wait...
Creating file 'bootflash:target_support_output.tgz.tgz' ...
File 'bootflash:target_support_output.tgz.tgz' created successfully
The following example creates a technical support information tar file for the hard disk file system on
the active RP:
Router# show platform software tech-support file harddisk:tech_support_output.tgz
Running tech support command set; please wait...
Creating file 'harddisk:tech_support_ouput.tgz.tgz' ...
File 'harddisk:tech_support_ouput.tgz.tgz' created successfully
Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE
Release 2.1
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers.