
show processes memory
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference
July 2008
Total: 50,994,868, Used: 6220092, Free: 44774776
PID TTY Allocated Freed Holding Getbufs Retbufs Process
0 0 6796228 627336 5325956 0 0 *Init*
0 0 200 29792 200 0 0 *Sched*
0 0 192 744 0 349000 0 *Dead*
1 0 0 0 12896 0 0 Chunk Manager
Router# show processes memory sorted
Total: 50,994,868, Used: 6222644, Free: 44772224
PID TTY Allocated Freed Holding Getbufs Retbufs Process
0 0 6796228 627336 5325956 0 0 *Init*
13 0 39056 0 25264 0 0 Net Background
48 0 0 0 24896 0 0 L2X SSS manager
18 0 0 0 24896 0 0 IP Input
show processes memory Command for Cisco IOS Software Modularity
The following is sample output from the show processes memory command when a Cisco IOS Software
Modularity image is running:
Router# show processes memory
System Memory : 262144K total, 113672K used, 148472K free
PID Text Data Stack Dynamic Total Process
1 0 0 12 0 12 kernel
12290 52 8 28 196 284 dumper.proc
3 12 8 8 144 172 devc-pty
4 132 8 8 32 180 devc-ser2681
6 16 12 24 48 100 pipe
8199 12 12 8 48 80 mqueue
8200 16 24 48 452 540 fsdev.proc
8201 52 20 8 96 176 flashfs_hes_slot1.proc
8202 52 20 8 80 160 flashfs_hes_bootflash.proc
8203 52 20 8 128 208 flashfs_hes_slot0.proc
8204 20 68 12 164 264 dfs_disk1.proc
8205 20 68 12 164 264 dfs_disk0.proc
8206 36 4 8 144 192 ldcache.proc
8207 32 8 20 164 224 syslogd.proc
8208 24 4 28 464 520 name_svr.proc
8209 124 104 28 344 600 wdsysmon.proc
8210 100 144 52 328 624 sysmgr.proc
8211 12 4 28 64 108 kosh.proc
12308 100 144 16 144 404 sysmgr.proc
12309 24 4 12 112 152 chkptd.proc
12310 12 4 8 96 120 syslog_dev.proc
12311 44 4 24 248 320 fh_metric_dir.proc
12312 36 4 24 216 280 fh_fd_snmp.proc
12313 36 4 24 216 280 fh_fd_intf.proc
12314 32 4 24 216 276 fh_fd_timer.proc
12315 40 4 24 216 284 fh_fd_ioswd.proc
12316 28 4 24 200 256 fh_fd_counter.proc
12317 80 20 44 368 512 fh_server.proc
12326 140 40 28 280 488 tcp.proc
12327 48 4 24 256 332 udp.proc
12328 4 4 28 4660 4696 iprouting.iosproc
12329 4 4 36 600 644 cdp2.iosproc