show platform hardware capacity
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference
July 2008
Bus utilization: current is 100%, peak was 100% at 12:34 12mar45
Fabric utilization: ingress egress
Module channel speed current peak current peak
1 0 20G 100% 100% 12:34 12mar45 100% 100% 12:34 12mar45
1 1 20G 12% 80% 12:34 12mar45 12% 80% 12:34 12mar45
4 0 20G 12% 80% 12:34 12mar45 12% 80% 12:34 12mar45
13 0 8G 12% 80% 12:34 12mar45 12% 80% 12:34 12mar45
This example shows how to display information about the total capacity, the bytes used, and the
percentage that is used for the Flash/NVRAM resources present in the system:
Router# show platform hardware capacity flash
Flash/NVRAM Resources
Usage: Module Device Bytes: Total Used %Used
1 RP bootflash: 31981568 15688048 49%
1 SP disk0: 128577536 105621504 82%
1 SP sup-bootflash: 31981568 29700644 93%
1 SP const_nvram: 129004 856 1%
1 SP nvram: 391160 22065 6%
7 dfc#7-bootflash: 15204352 616540 4%
8 dfc#8-bootflash: 15204352 0 0%
This example shows how to display the capacity and utilization of the EARLs present in the system:
Router# show platform hardware capacity forwarding
L2 Forwarding Resources
MAC Table usage: Module Collisions Total Used %Used
6 0 65536 11 1%
VPN CAM usage: Total Used %Used
512 0 0%
L3 Forwarding Resources
FIB TCAM usage: Total Used %Used
72 bits (IPv4, MPLS, EoM) 196608 36 1%
144 bits (IP mcast, IPv6) 32768 7 1%
detail: Protocol Used %Used
IPv4 36 1%
MPLS 0 0%
EoM 0 0%
IPv6 4 1%
IPv4 mcast 3 1%
IPv6 mcast 0 0%
Adjacency usage: Total Used %Used
1048576 175 1%
Forwarding engine load:
Module pps peak-pps peak-time
6 8 1972 02:02:17 UTC Thu Apr 21 2005
Netflow Resources
TCAM utilization: Module Created Failed %Used
6 1 0 0%
ICAM utilization: Module Created Failed %Used
6 0 0 0%
Flowmasks: Mask# Type Features