show processes
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference
July 2008
Age: 662314 msec, Runtime: 3841 msec
State: Running, Priority: Normal
Table 131 describes the fields shown in the display.
Cisco IOS Software Modularity
The following is sample output from the show processes command when a Cisco IOS Software
Modularity image is running:
Router# show processes
Total CPU utilization for 5 seconds: 99.7%; 1 minute: 98.9%; 5 minutes: 86.5%
PID TID Prio STATE Blocked Stack CPU Name
1 1 0 Ready 0 (128K) 2m28s procnto-cisco
1 2 63 Receive 1 0 (128K) 0.000 procnto-cisco
1 3 10 Receive 1 0 (128K) 0.000 procnto-cisco
Table 131 show processes process-id Field Descriptions
Field Description
Process ID Process ID number and process name.
TTY Terminal that controls the process.
Memory usage
[in bytes]
This section contains fields that show the memory used by the specified process.
Holding Amount of memory currently allocated to the process.
Maximum Maximum amount of memory allocated to the process since its invocation.
Allocated Bytes of memory allocated by the process.
Freed Bytes of memory freed by the process.
Getbufs Number of times that the process has requested a packet buffer.
Retbufs Number of times that the process has relinquished a packet buffer.
Stack Low water mark/Total stack space available (in bytes).
CPU usage This section contains fields that show the CPU resources used by the specified
PC Current program counter of this process before it was suspended.
Invoked Number of times that the process executed since its invocation.
Giveups Number of times that the process voluntarily gave up the CPU.
uSec Microseconds of CPU time for each process invocation.
5Sec CPU utilization by process in the last five seconds.
1Min CPU utilization by process in the last minute.
5Min CPU utilization by process in the last five minutes.
Average The average amount of CPU utilization by the process since its invocation.
Age Milliseconds since the process was invoked.
Runtime CPU time that the process has used (in milliseconds).
State Current state of the process. Possible values: Running, Waiting for Event, Sleeping
(Mgd Timer), Sleeping (Periodic), Ready, Idle, Dead.
Priority The priority of the process. Possible values: Low, Normal, High.