show slot
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference
July 2008
The following example show the flash detailed directory.
Router# show slot detailed
PCMCIA Slot0 flash directory:
File Length Name/status
addr fcksum ccksum
1 11081464 c3660-bin-mz.123-9.3.PI5b
0x40 0x5EA3 0x5EA3
[11081528 bytes used, 9627844 available, 20709372 total]
20480K bytes of processor board PCMCIA Slot0 flash (Read/Write)
The following example shows the flash chip erase and write retries.
Router# show slot err
PCMCIA Slot0 flash directory:
File Length Name/status
1 11081464 c3660-bin-mz.123-9.3.PI5b
[11081528 bytes used, 9627844 available, 20709372 total]
20480K bytes of processor board PCMCIA Slot0 flash (Read/Write)
Chip Bank Code Size Name erase write
1 1 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 0 0
2 1 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 0 0
1 2 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 0 0
2 2 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 0 0
1 3 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 0 0
2 3 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 0 0
1 4 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 0 0
2 4 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 0 0
1 5 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 0 0
2 5 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA 0 0
The following example shows the flash partition summary.
Router# show slot summary
Partition Size Used Free Bank-Size State Copy Mode
1 20223K 10821K 9402K 4096K Read/Write Direct
20480K bytes of processor board PCMCIA Slot0 flash (Read/Write)
Related Commands Command Description
dir slot0: Directory listing of files on a PCMCIA Flash card located in slot0.
dir slot1: Directory listing of files on a PCMCIA Flash card located in slot1.
show slot0: Displays information about the PCMCIA flash memory card’s file system
located in slot 0.
show slot1: Displays information about the PCMCIA flash memory card’s file system
located in slot 1.