show running-config
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference
July 2008
mls flow ip destination
mls flow ipx destination
cns event-service server
spanning-tree portfast bpdu-guard
spanning-tree uplinkfast
spanning-tree vlan 200 forward-time 21
port-channel load-balance sdip
In the following sample output from the show running-config command, the shape average command
indicates that traffic shaping overhead accounting for ATM is enabled. The BRAS-DSLAM
encapsulation type is qinq and the subscriber line encapsulation type is snap-rbe based on the AAL5
Router# show running-config
subscriber policy recording rules limit 64
no mpls traffic-eng auto-bw timers frequency 0
call rsvp-sync
controller T1 2/0
framing sf
linecode ami
controller T1 2/1
framing sf
linecode ami
policy-map unit-test
class class-default
shape average percent 10 account qinq aal5 snap-rbe
Related Commands Command Description
bandwidth Specifies or modifies the bandwidth allocated for a class belonging to a
policy map, and enables ATM overhead accounting.
boot config Specifies the device and filename of the configuration file from which the
router configures itself during initialization (startup).
configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.
copy running-config
Copies the running configuration to the startup configuration. (Command
alias for the copy system:running-config nvram:startup-config
shape Shapes traffic to the indicated bit rate according to the algorithm specified,
and enables ATM overhead accounting.
show interfaces Displays statistics for all interfaces configured on the router or access server.