show platform hardware capacity
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference
July 2008
IPv4: 0 reserved none
IPv4: 2 unused none
IPv4: 3 reserved none
IPv6: 0 reserved none
IPv6: 1 unused none
IPv6: 2 unused none
IPv6: 3 reserved none
CPU Rate Limiters Resources
Rate limiters: Total Used Reserved %Used
Layer 3 9 4 1 44%
Layer 2 4 2 2 50%
ACL/QoS TCAM Resources
Key: ACLent - ACL TCAM entries, ACLmsk - ACL TCAM masks, AND - ANDOR,
QoSent - QoS TCAM entries, QOSmsk - QoS TCAM masks, OR - ORAND,
Lbl-in - ingress label, Lbl-eg - egress label, LOUsrc - LOU source,
LOUdst - LOU destination, ADJ - ACL adjacency
Module ACLent ACLmsk QoSent QoSmsk Lbl-in Lbl-eg LOUsrc LOUdst AND OR ADJ
6 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1%
This example shows how to display the interface resources:
Router# show platform hardware capacity interface
Interface Resources
Interface drops:
Module Total drops: Tx Rx Highest drop port: Tx Rx
9 0 2 0 48
Interface buffer sizes:
Module Bytes: Tx buffer Rx buffer
1 12345 12345
5 12345 12345
This example shows how to display SPAN information:
Router# show platform hardware capacity monitor
SPAN Resources
Source sessions: 2 maximum, 0 used
Type Used
Local 0
RSPAN source 0
ERSPAN source 0
Service module 0
Destination sessions: 64 maximum, 0 used
Type Used
RSPAN destination 0
ERSPAN destination (max 24) 0
This example shows how to display the capacity and utilization of resources for Layer 3 multicast
Router# show platform hardware capacity multicast
L3 Multicast Resources
IPv4 replication mode: ingress