
show running-config partition
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference
July 2008
Command Default None
Command Modes Privileged EXEC (#)
Command History
Usage Guidelines When the Configuration Partitioning feature is enabled, the system groups the configuration state of the
device into parts (called “partitions”) for the purpose of generating the virtual running configuration file
(the list of configuration commands). The selective processing of the system’s configuration state for the
purpose of generating a partial running configuration is called “configuration partitioning.”
Note This command is not related to hard drive or flash drive partitioning.
This granular access to configuration information offers important performance benefits for high-end
routing platforms with very large configuration files, as the system wide generation of a complete virtual
configuration file from all components on systems with large and complex configurations can become
overly resource intensive and be unacceptably slow.
The show running-config partition command allows you to display only the part of the running
configuration that you want to examine, while also allowing the system to process only the collection of
system components (such as specific interfaces) that you need to display. This is in contrast to other
existing extensions to the show running-config command, which only filter the generated list after all
system components have been processed.
The Configuration Partitioning feature is enabled by default in Cisco IOS software images that support
the feature. To disable the feature, use the no parser config partition command.
Examples In the following example, the system generates a view of the running configuration by polling only the
components associated with the access-list parts of the running configuration state, and then displays
only those access-list-related configuration commands.
Router# show running-config partition access-list
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 127 bytes
Configuration of Partition access-list
access-list 90 permit
access-list 100 permit 10 any any
Release Modification
12.2(33)SRB This command was introduced for Cisco 7600 series images in Cisco IOS
Release 12.2SR as part of the “Configuration Partitioning” feature.
12.2(33)SB This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SB and
implemented on the Cisco 10000 series.