show running-config map-class
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference
July 2008
Building configuration...
Current configuration:
map-class frame-relay cir60
frame-relay bc 16000
frame-relay adaptive-shaping becn
map-class frame-relay cir70
no frame-relay adaptive-shaping
frame-relay priority-group 2
map-class atm vc100
atm aal5mux
map-class dialer dialer1
dialer idle-timeout 10
All Frame Relay Map Classes Example
The following example displays all Frame Relay map classes on the router:
Router# show running-config map-class frame-relay
Building configuration...
Current configuration:
map-class frame-relay cir60
frame-relay bc 16000
frame-relay adaptive-shaping becn
map-class frame-relay cir70
no frame-relay adaptive-shaping
frame-relay priority-group 2
A Specific Map Class and Display of Line Numbers Example
The following example displays a specific map class called class1. Line numbers are displayed in the
Router# show running-config map-class frame-relay class1 linenum
Building configuration...
Current configuration:
1 : !
2 : map-class frame-relay boy
3 : no frame-relay adaptive-shaping
4 : frame-relay cir 1000
5 : end
Related Commands Command Description
map-class atm Specifies the ATM map class for an SVC.
map-class dialer Defines a class of shared configuration parameters associated with the
dialer map command for outgoing calls from an ISDN interface and for
PPP callback.