show platform software process list
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference
July 2008
VMalloc Chunk Largest contiguous block of available virtual address space
(in kilobytes) that is free.
VMalloc Total Total amount of memory (in kilobytes) of total allocated
virtual address space.
VMalloc Used Total amount of memory (in kilobytes) of used virtual
address space.
Writeback Memory (in kilobytes) that is actively being written back to
the disk.
Swap (kB) Swap memory heading.
Total Total swap memory (in kilobytes).
Used Used swap memory (in kilobytes).
Free Free swap memory (in kilobytes).
Cached Cached swap memory (in kilobytes).
Buffers (kB) Buffers heading.
Load Average Indicators of system load.
1-Min Average number of processes running for the last minute.
5-Min Average number of processes running for the last 5 minutes.
15-Min Average number of processes running for the last 15 minutes.
Table 128 show platform software process list summary Field Descriptions (continued)
Field Description