show memory allocating-process
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference
July 2008
show memory allocating-process
To display statistics on allocated memory with corresponding allocating processes, use the show
memory allocating-process command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.
show memory allocating-process [totals]
Syntax Description
Command Modes User EXEC
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Usage Guidelines The show memory allocating-process command displays information about memory available after the
system image decompresses and loads.
Examples The following is sample output from the show memory allocating-process command:
Router# show memory allocating-process
Head Total(b)Used(b)Free(b)Lowest(b)Largest(b)
Processor 44E0356018663263626131896160500740160402052153078204
Fast 44DE356013107258280727927279272764
Processor memory
Address Bytes Prev. Next Ref Alloc Proc Alloc PC What
6148EC40 1504 0 6148F24C 1 *Init* 602310FC List Elements
6148F24C 3004 6148EC40 6148FE34 1 *Init* 60231128 List Headers
6148FE34 9000 6148F24C 61492188 1 *Init* 6023C634 Interrupt Stack
61492188 44 6148FE34 614921E0 1 *Init* 60C17FD8 *Init*
614921E0 9000 61492188 61494534 1 *Init* 6023C634 Interrupt Stack
61494534 44 614921E0 6149458C 1 *Init* 60C17FD8 *Init*
6149458C 220 61494534 61494694 1 *Init* 602450F4 *Init*
61494694 4024 6149458C 61495678 1 *Init* 601CBD64 TTY data
Table 100 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
totals (Optional) Displays allocating memory totals.
Release Modification
12.0 This command was introduced.
Table 100 show memory allocating-process Field Descriptions
Field Description
Head Hexadecimal address of the head of the memory allocation chain.
Total(b) Sum of used bytes plus free bytes.