show memory allocating-process
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference
July 2008
The following is sample output from the show memory allocating-process totals command:
Router# show memory allocating-process totals
Head Total(b) Used(b) Free(b) Lowest(b) Largest(b)
Processor 44E03560 186632636 26142524 160490112 160402052 153078204
Fast 44DE3560 131072 58280 72792 72792 72764
Allocator PC Summary for: Processor
PC Total Count Name
0x4041AF8C 5710616 3189 *Packet Data*
0x4041AF40 2845480 3190 *Packet Header*
0x404DBA28 1694556 203 Process Stack
0x4066EA68 1074080 56 Init
0x404B5F68 1049296 9 pak subblock chunk
0x41DCF230 523924 47 TCL Chunks
0x404E2488 448920 6 MallocLite
0x4066EA8C 402304 56 Init
0x40033878 397108 1 Init
0x41273E24 320052 1 CEF: table event ring
0x404B510C 253152 24 TW Buckets
0x42248F0C 229428 1 Init
0x42248F28 229428 1 Init
0x42248F48 229428 1 Init
0x423FF210 218048 5 Dn48oC!M
0x421CB530 208144 1 epa crypto blk
0x417A07F0 196764 3 L2TP Hash Table
0x403AFF50 187836 3 Init
Used(b) Amount of memory in use in bytes.
Free(b) Amount of memory not in use (in bytes).
Lowest(b) Smallest amount of free memory since last boot (in bytes).
Largest(b) Size of largest available free block (in bytes).
Address Hexadecimal address of the block.
Bytes Size of the block (in bytes).
Prev. Address of the preceding block (should match the address on preceding row).
Next Address of the following block (should match the address on following row).
Ref Reference count for that memory block, indicating how many different processes are
using that block of memory.
Alloc PC Address of the system call that allocated the block.
What Name of process that owns the block, or “(fragment)” if the block is a fragment, or
“(coalesced)” if the block was coalesced from adjacent free blocks.
Table 100 show memory allocating-process Field Descriptions (continued)
Field Description