show platform software filesystem
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference
July 2008
show platform software filesystem
To display information about file systems, use the show platform software filesystem command in
privileged EXEC or diagnostic mode.
show platform software filesystem {bootflash: | stby-bootflash: | fpd: | harddisk: |
stby-harddisk: | obfl: | stby-obfl: | usb0: | stby-usb0: | usb1: | stby-usb1:} [all] [details]
Syntax Description
Command Default No default behavior or values
Command Modes Privileged EXEC (#)
Diagnostic (diag)
Command History
Usage Guidelines Use this command to ascertain the presence or absence of specific files and to determine space usage in
the file system. This command is helpful to monitor the growth of log file sizes, because rapid growth
of log files could indicate possible problems with the router.
bootflash: File system on the bootflash device.
stby-bootflash: Standby file system on the bootflash device (if the standby Route Processor
[RP] is preset).
fpd: Synthetic file system that is used by the field-programmable device (FPD)
upgrade process—for Cisco Technical Support only.
harddisk: File system on the hard disk device.
stby-harddisk: Standby file system on the harddisk device (if the standby RP is preset).
obfl: File system on the on board failure logging (OBFL) device.
stby-obfl: Standby file system on the OBFL device (if the standby RP is preset).
usb0: File system on the USB0 device (if installed).
stby-usb0: Standby file system on the USB0 device (if the standby RP is preset).
usb1: File system on the USB1 device (if installed).
stby-usb1: Standby file system on the USB1 device (if the standby RP is preset).
all (Optional) All possible device information.
details (Optional) File system details.
Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE Release
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR1000 Series Routers.