show memory dead
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference
July 2008
show memory dead
To display statistics on memory allocated by processes that have terminated, use the show memory dead
command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.
show memory dead [totals]
Syntax Description
Command Modes User EXEC
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Usage Guidelines The show memory dead command displays information about processes that have been terminated.
Terminated processes accounts for memory allocated under another process.
Examples The following is sample output from the show memory dead command:
Router# show memory dead
Head Total(b) Used(b) Free(b) Lowest(b) Largest(b)
I/O 600000 2097152 461024 1636128 1635224 1635960
Processor memory
Address Bytes Prev. Next Ref PrevF NextF Alloc PC What
1D8310 60 1D82C8 1D8378 1 3281FFE Router Init
2CA964 36 2CA914 2CA9B4 1 3281FFE Router Init
2CAA04 112 2CA9B4 2CAAA0 1 3A42144 OSPF Stub LSA RBTree
2CAAA0 68 2CAA04 2CAB10 1 3A420D4 Router Init
2ED714 52 2ED668 2ED774 1 3381C84 Router Init
2F12AC 44 2F124C 2F1304 1 3A50234 Router Init
2F1304 24 2F12AC 2F1348 1 3A420D4 Router Init
2F1348 68 2F1304 2F13B8 1 3381C84 Router Init
300C28 340 300A14 300DA8 1 3381B42 Router Init
totals (Optional) Displays memory totals for processes that have been terminated.
Release Modification
12.0 This command was introduced.
12.2SX This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support
in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set,
platform, and platform hardware.