
Creating and Managing User ProfilesCreating and Managing User Profiles with the Built-in
Issue 1, December 2008
Use the control buttons at the bottom of the screen to manage the available table views.
They are described in Table 23-2.
Figure 23-8 Sample Table Showing information
Figure 23-8 shows a table with available fields/information. The check and reply template
fields are intended for template names and the generic 1 through 5 fields are for whatever
use you desire. Note that the PolicyAssistant does not support use of the generic fields. So,
while you may place data into these fields, that data cannot be used in your policies.
8950 AAA supports a predefined database schema for storage of user profiles. However, it
is possible for you to edit this schema to remove unneeded columns (fields) and rename
fields to more useful settings. When using the PolicyAssistant you may only change the
names of the generic fields.
Table Management
The following procedures list steps for creating and managing records within a table.
Table 23-2 Control Buttons
Name Description
Disconnect Disconnect from the database.
Add View Start the procedure to create a view that will be added to
the table view list.
Remove View Delete a view from the table view list.
Information Display database information including the database
name, database version number, database driver, and
database driver version number.
Close Remove the Database Table Tool panel.