Notes on the Naming of Time Based FilesMessage Logging
Issue 1, December 2008
Standard Output or Standard Error
When logging to Standard Out or Standard Error, 8950 AAA sends log messages to the
system file descriptor for standard_output (stdout) or standard_error (stderr). If stdout or
stderr is not redirected, messages will appear in the same command window in which
8950 AAA was started. The properties tab for this destination type is shown in
Figure 16-21.
USER (Administrator User Name) Sets the login used to connect to the database server
with permission to write to the log table.
This is a required field.
Password Sets the password for the Administrator User Name.
Table Sets the name of the database table used to store log
The default is LOG.
Sequence Column Sequence value typically not used unless identity-
type columns are used in your database.
This is an optional field; the data type is long.
Timestamp Column Column time that the log action occurred.
This is an optional field; the data type is timestamp.
Thread Column Specifies the name of the column in the database
table, to store the name of the Java thread of the log
Plugin Column Specifies the name of the column in the database
table, to store the name of plugin that generate the log
Area Column Section of code associated with the log action.
This is an optional field; the data type is varchar.
Level Column Number associated with the log level.
This is an optional field; the data type is integer.
Level Name Column Name associated with the log level.
This is an optional field; the data type is varchar.
Message Column Formatted text of the message.
This is an optional field; the data type is varchar.
Table 16-13 SQL Database–Properties tab fields
Field Name Description