The Client Classes tabConfiguring 8950 AAA Client Properties
Issue 1, December 2008
Using the Custom tab in the Client Class Properties
To use the other client attributes or customized properties of a Client Class, click on the
Custom tab in the Client Class Properties panel.
The Custom tab is displayed with a set of action buttons under the Other Client
Attributes section.
The Custom tab also allows you to perform the following actions using the action buttons:
• Insert a record
• Edit selected record
• Delete selected record
• Delete all records
• Make a copy of selected record
• Move selected record up
• Move selected record down
You can perform any of the required actions using these action buttons.
To add or Insert a record to the Client Class Properties panel, click on the action
button. The Attribute Properties panel is displayed as shown in Figure 5-15.
Diameter Charset Specifies the default character set to use for
character based Diameter AVP values which are
lacking a defined endcoding.
Figure 5-14 The Client Class Properties–Properties tab information
Field Name Description