How to Configure for a TLS Demo Out of the Box8950 AAA Certificate Manager
Issue 1, December 2008
How to Configure for a TLS Demo Out of the Box
Configuring the TLS Demo
The following is a sample session showing the procedure to run TLS. It
starts from a new install using the PolicyAssistant. This sample session also shows
how to test using the command line version of nrtest.
->setup.bat -dir
C:\work\8950AAA -agree -server -adminUser admin -
adminPass admin -nogui
8950AAA Setup, Version 5 Copyright (c) 2008 Alcatel-Lucent. All
Rights Reserved.
You are about to install 8950AAA.
Enter 'X' at any prompt to exit the setup program.
Using Java version:
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition
Sun Microsystems Inc.
Version: 1.5.0
From: 'C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.5.0'
PolicyAssistant is a predefined PolicyFlow that retrieves user
information from an LDAP Directory, RADIUS User File,
Database,or Remote RADIUS Server. User authentication can be
done byWindows NT, Unix, Plain Text Passwords, SecurID and
Note: Don't install the PolicyAssistant if you want to create your
own PolicyFlow.
Do you want to install the PolicyAssistant : Y
Setting up for reading entries
Installing files to C:\work\8950AAA
Copying File - accounting.old.sql
Copying File - acct.hsqldbCopying File - acct_methods
Copying File - auth.hsqldb
Copying File - authentication.old.sql
Copying File - auth_methods
Copying File - clean.hsqldb
Copying File - data.config-info