The Radius Clients tabConfiguring 8950 AAA Client Properties
Issue 1, December 2008
Using the Radius Client Properties tab to Add a record
The Radius Client Properties tab allows you to add a record and enter information in the
required fields as shown in Figure 5-4.
Figure 5-4 The Radius Client Properties–Add record panel
Table 5-2 explains each of these fields and the field descriptions.
Table 5-2 Radius Client Properties
Field Name Description
Client IP Address or Host Specifies the Domain name, IP Address, range of IP
addresses, or a CIDR block of addresses.
Shared Secret Shared secret between Policy server and client.
Dictionary This section shows the names of any Client Classes
to which this client has been assigned. In addition,
any properties (specific Attribute Value Pairs
(AVPs) assigned to the client are displayed. If it
contains #default then there are no assigned classes
or attributes for the client.
TAOS Port Normalization Specifies how to get the real NAS port number out
of the NAS port info. This should only be used if
your NASs are running TAOS.