Using the PolicyAssistantUsing the 8950 AAA Policy Assistant in Server
Management Tool
Issue 1, December 2008
1. To add a new Realm or DNIS, click on the insert a record, action button. The
Realm and DNIS Limits panel is displayed as shown in the Figure 9-19. This screen
allows you to limit sessions for a particular Realm or DNIS.
Figure 9-19 Policy Assistant–Realm and DNIS Limits panel
2. Choose the Limit Type as either Realm or DNIS. Provide a value for the Realm or
DNIS. Select appropriate Max Connections as either No Limit, No User Access, or
Specific Limit. If you choose, Specific Limit, provide the Limit. Click OK. The Realm
or DNIS value you added will now be displayed in the main screen, Figure 9-16.
3. The Edit, delete, delete all, copy, move up, move down buttons allows you to perform
necessary actions on the defined or existing Realm and DNIS Limits.
Using the USS Settings tab
The Universal State Server (USS) settings tab allows you to control the session limits for
users, Realms, DNIS, and Policies. You can use this tab to control the USS and where it
When the USS Settings tab is selected, the following list of attributes/values are displayed
with appropriate values.
• Use Universal State Server–Yes or No option
• IP Address/Host
• Shared Secret
• Authentication Port
• Accounting Port