Using the Policy WizardUsing the 8950 AAA Policy Assistant in Server
Management Tool
Issue 1, December 2008
A user file contains a user profile for each user who accesses your network. You may
create your user file to function only as a user source (for authorization, and configuring a
user session) or also as a source that provides information for authentication, that is, a
After completing your policy configuration using the Policy Wizard, you can enter and
manage users from the User Files panel under the File Tools folder on the Navigation
Use the Database option if you store or plan to store user profiles in a SQL database. 8950
AAA provides support for most SQL servers. By default the PolicyAssistant uses the built-
in 8950 AAA database. However, it is possible to use the PolicyAssistant with most
external databases. For support of all other databases, contact the 8950 AAA technical
support team.
Use the User Profiles panel under the Database Tools folder to manage the user profiles
stored in the built-in 8950 AAA database.
Important! If you do not see the Database Tools folder on the Navigation pane,
select Preferences from the Edit menu. Select the Database option from the Server
Management Tool panel, and click Display the Database panels in the Navigation
LDAP Directory
If you are using an LDAP directory as a user profile source, then the authentication source
must be either the LDAP server, an ACE/Server, or a SafeWord server.
Important! Use this option if users are stored in an LDAP directory as inet
orgPersons, as defined in RFC 2798.
Microsoft Active Directory
Microsoft Active Directory should only be used as a user source when 8950 AAA is not
running on a Windows platform.
Windows Security Access Manager
The Windows Security Access Manager (SAM) system option is only available when
8950 AAA is running on a Windows platform. This option should be used instead of
Microsoft Active Directory via LDAP when using a Windows platform with access to
necessary domain controllers.