Server Statistics PanelServer Statistics
Issue 1, December 2008
Screens that Monitor RADIUS Requests Sent to the 8950 AAA Server
This section describes the following four screens:
• Authentication Requests
• Accounting Requests
• Packet Statistics
• Diameter Statistics
• Memory Usage
The following sections explain in detail about these screens.
Authentication Requests
As shown in Figure 17-3, authentication requests are categorized according to status or
Figure 17-3 Server Statistics–Authentication Requests
This screen displays two groups of columns labeled Total and Interval. They display
numerical values as follows:
“Methods: aaa” on page 26 Execution of Methods under the aaa policy
flow file.
“Server Queues” on page 27 Request queue size, maximum value, and
high water mark.
“Server Threads” on page 27
* Status of currently running threads.
Table 17-1 Server Statistics Panel–Screen Names and information
Screen Name Monitored Information