
Vendors Tab8950 AAA Dictionary Editor
Issue 1, December 2008
By default when you click on the Dictionary Editor panel, the Vendors tab is displayed, as
shown in Figure 20-2.
Table 20-1 explains the attributes of the Vendors tab.
Using the Vendors tab Action buttons
The Vendors tab panel also consists of a set of Action Buttons that appear at the top of the
8950 AAA Dictionary Editor’s Vendors tab panel, as shown in Figure 20-2.
The Vendors tab action buttons are as shown in Figure 20-3.
Figure 20-3 Vendors tab–Action buttons
These action buttons allow you to perform the following actions:
Insert a record
Edit selected record
Delete selected record
Delete all records
Move selected record up
Move selected record down
You can perform any of the required actions using these action buttons.
Table 20-1 Dictionary Editor–Vendors tab properties
Properties Description
Vendor Name The name of the Vendor.
Vendor ID The Vendor Identification code or number.
VSA format The Vendor Specific Attribute (VSA) format.