Server Statistics PanelServer Statistics
Issue 1, December 2008
The State Server Sessions screen is used to monitor the 8950 AAA Universal State Server
(USS). It contains three tabs and one performance monitor, as shown in Figure 17-13.
To the USS, a network session is an occupied port on a specific client. A session is defined
by a series of RADIUS requests that pertain to the particular port and client. The
performance monitor displays graphical data for monitoring up to three types of sessions:
• Active Sessions–Sessions that are currently running.
• Inactive Sessions–Sessions that have terminated.
• Waiting for Start–Sessions that have been authenticated but for which no
accounting Start record has been received.
Below is a graphical depiction of the session types.
Figure 17-12 Session State–Life cycle of a Session
The State Server screen tabs are described below.
The Sessions window is shown in Figure 17-13.