The Configure Reports PanelConfiguring Reports
Issue 1, December 2008
Use the buttons at the bottom of the screen to select or deselect the listed variable(s).
They are described in Table 15-2.
2. Click OK to add the record.
3. To edit the information about a configured report, select the required entry and double
click on it or click the Edit a record action button, . The Configure Report panel
is displayed as shown in Figure 15-4. You can modify the information that can be
edited and click OK to update the configured report information.
4. To delete a configured report information, select the entry to be deleted and click the
Delete record action button. The selected entry will be deleted.
5. To delete all the configured reports in the panel, click the Delete All action button. A
confirmation dialog is displayed asking you to confirm to delete all the records. Click
Yes to delete all the records or click No to exit the action and come out of the dialog.
6. To make a copy of an existing report, click the Make a copy of the selected record
action button. The Configure Report panel is displayed as shown in Figure 15-4. Edit
the name of the Report and click OK to add a copy of the existing report.
7. To move a report up, click the Up arrow key action button or the Move selected
record up action button.
8. To move a report down, click the Down arrow key action button or the Move selected
record down action button.
9. To run a report, click the Run Selected Report action button. The Report Panel is
displayed, as shown in Figure 15-5.
Table 15-2 Configure Reports Panel–Buttons
Name Description
Select All Selects all the displayed variables.
Deselect All Deselects all the displayed variables.
Show Description Shows description about the selected variable.