RADIUS Terms ExplainedIntroduction to 8950 AAA
365-360-001 R6.0
Issue 1, December 2008
Accounting Activities
In addition, the 8950 AAA server can collect and store session and billing data. The server
can save this data to text files (RADIUS Detail file), the built-in database, or any SQL
database that supports a Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) driver, or forward the data to
another RADIUS server.
SQL Database A database that accepts SQL (Structured Query
Language) queries, for example, the built-in 8950
AAA database, and has a JDBC (
Java Database
LDAP Directory A directory service supporting LDAP (Lightweight
Directory Access Protocol)
Microsoft Active Directory via LDAP Directory service that is a part of Windows 2000,
Windows XP, and Window 2003 Servers, using an
LDAP interface.
Windows SAM Windows Security Accounts Manager server that sits
on top of the Windows 2000, Windows XP, and
Window 2003 operating systems. This is only
available when 8950 AAA is running on a Windows
platform, local account, Windows domain, or
Windows Active Directory.
UNIX System
When running on a supported UNIX or Linux system, 8950
can retrieve user name and password
information using the operating system.
Password File
8950 AAA can read the UNIX /etc/shadow or
/etc/passwd files to access passwords for
8950 AAA acts as a client for communicating with an
RSA ACE/Server.
8950 AAA can communicate with a SafeWord server.
8950 AAA can proxy (forward) data to another server
that verifies the user name and password for
authentication. It then waits for a response.
User Source Description