Policy Flow FilesUsing the 8950 AAA Policy Flow Editor
Issue 1, December 2008
Figure 8-2 The 8950 AAA SMT–PolicyFlow Editor panel
Policy Flow Files
Policy Flow Files Section
The Policy Flow Files section is the middle or in-between section of the PolicyFlow Editor
This section is used to add or delete PolicyFlow Files. The Method Configurations that are
defined and are associated with a PolicyFlow File are displayed just below this section
after another set of action buttons in the bottom section.
The PolicyFlow Files section has two action buttons as shown in Figure 8-3.
Figure 8-3 PolicyFlow Editor–Action buttons in the PolicyFlow Files section
These action buttons allow you to perform the following actions:
• Insert a PolicyFlow file
• Delete a PolicyFlow file
The action button, +, allows you to add a new PolicyFlow file. When you click the +
action button, you get a pop-up window that will ask you to enter the name of the new file.
Enter the name and click OK to add the new entry. You can see the new entry in the
PolicyFlow Files drop-down list box.