Issue 1, December 2008
9 Using the 8950 AAA
Policy Assistant in Server
Management Tool
This chapter discusses the process of how to use, configure, and create necessary entities
for the PolicyAssistant in the 8950 AAA Server Management Tool.
This chapter describes how to use the PolicyAssistant and Policy Wizard to create and
access Policies.
The following topics are included in this chapter:
Understanding PolicyFlow, the PolicyAssistant, and the Policy Wizard 9-2
Installing the PolicyAssistant 9-2
Preparing to Create Your First Policy 9-3
Using the Policy Wizard 9-4
Understanding and Creating Attribute Sets 9-16
Adding Attribute Sets to Your Policy 9-19
Defining a Failure Mode 9-23
Reviewing Your Policy 9-25
Using the PolicyAssistant 9-25
Saving Your Policies 9-30
Advanced Authentication Options 9-30
Advanced Attribute Set Options 9-37