Log RulesMessage Logging
Issue 1, December 2008
Figure 16-31 Log Rule Configuration Wizard–Pattern Match
11. In this step you may define any log message patterns that must be matched. These
patterns are created using standard Regular Expression syntax. The Regular
Expression is matched against the text content of the log message. This is different
from the Expression entered in step 3 which was matched against 8950 AAA
PolicyFlow variables.
Select one of the two available options:
• Any Message - indicates that there is no restriction on the log message
• Regular Expression Pattern Match - indicates that only messages that contain the
entered pattern are logged.
Important! The following examples show Regular Expressions:
/San Francisco/
The first example uses slashes (/) to delimit the character string. An exact match of the
character string must occur for a message to be logged.
The second example uses hyphens (-) to delimit the character string because the slash
is a valid character of the string. It also uses a pattern match modifier (i) to indicate that
case is ignored. The case does not have to match for a message to be logged. Pattern
match modifiers are listed as follows:
i - ignore case
m - multi-line
s - single line
x - extended syntax
Important! Use Regular Expression syntax per Rule 5 Regular Expressions.
For further reading, please refer to: