
Notes on the Naming of Size Based FilesMessage Logging
Issue 1, December 2008
Notes on the Naming of Size Based Files
8950 AAA writes to a log file with the following name format:
<prefix> + active + <suffix>
The prefix and suffix components are specified by configuration settings. The name active
is hard-coded by the 8950 AAA server. For example, if the prefix is nr and the suffix
The resulting log file name is: nractive.log
When a file is switched, also known as, rolled-over, the old, or saved, file name has the
following format:
<prefix> + <timestamp> + <suffix>
The prefix and suffix portions are the same as above. The timestamp portion is hard-coded
by the 8950 AAA server in format, yyyyMMddHHmmssSSS. Table 16-7 provides a breakdown
of this format with examples.
Naming of Size based files–Format
Using the example above, suppose the file nractive.log the currently open file is named.
If this file is switched January 1, 2006, at noon, then the name of the saved file will be
File with Time Based File Switching
The 8950 AAA server writes the log messages to a file. 8950 AAA switches the log file it
writes when a specified time interval is reached. Options are hourly, daily, weekly,
monthly, or you can specify a custom time interval. The contents of a 8950 AAA log file is
plain text. The properties tab for this destination type is shown in Figure 16-15.
Table 16-7 Naming of Size based files–Format
Timestamp Field Meaning
yyyy Four digit year, 2006.
MM Two digit month, 12 for December.
dd Two digit day in month, 03 for third day in month.
HH Two digit hour in a 24-hour day.
mm Two digit minutes in hour.
ss Two digit seconds in minute.
SSS Three digit milliseconds in second.