
Using the PolicyAssistantUsing the 8950 AAA Policy Assistant in Server
Management Tool
Issue 1, December 2008
access to your network. A policy is a set of rules the Policy server uses to determine how
users are authenticated, how access is authorized and configured, and how accounting data
is stored. The bottom section contains four tabs that allows you to manage a selected
Policy Selection
Realm and DNIS Limits
USS Settings
Cisco PEAP
Figure 9-16 Policy Assistant Panel
Using the Policy Selection tab
The Policy Selection section allows you to manage a selected policy. A set of action
buttons, as shown in the Figure 9-17, appear on the bottom of this section when you select
the Policy Selection tab.
Figure 9-17 Policy Selection tab–Action Buttons
The action buttons allow you to perform the following actions:
Insert a record
Edit a record
Delete a record