Method ConfigurationUsing the 8950 AAA Policy Flow Editor
Issue 1, December 2008
The other action button, -, allows you to delete the selected PolicyFlow file. Select the
required PolicyFlow file from the drop-down list box and click the - action button. A pop-
up window will ask you if you are sure you want to delete the selected PolicyFlow File.
Click Yes to delete or No to not delete and come out.
Method Configuration
Method Configuration Section
The Method Configuration section is the last section or the bottom section of the
PolicyFlow Editor panel. This is used to manage the Method configuration entities of the
PolicyFlow Editor.
A set of action buttons, as shown in Figure 8-4, are in this section of the panel that are
used to create and define the Method Dispatch properties.
Figure 8-4 PolicyFlow Editor–Action buttons in the Method Configuration section
These action buttons allow you to perform the following actions:
• Insert a record
• Edit selected record
• Delete selected record
• Delete all records
• Make a copy of selected record
• Move selected record up
• Move selected record down
• Assign Method On Success of selected method
• Assign Method on Failure of selected method
• Assign Method on Error of selected method
• Copy a method from another method file
• Click to enter/edit the comments for the methods file
You can perform any of the required actions using these action buttons.
Important! Some of the necessary actions will be available with some of these
buttons. Any available actions are displayed for you to choose when you right click on
the action buttons.