The Client Classes tabConfiguring 8950 AAA Client Properties
Issue 1, December 2008
1. The Insert a record action button displays the Client Classes and Attributes panel.
This panel allows you to select the Client Classes and Attributes from either a list of
Predefined Client Class, or allows you to add a Custom Client Class, or allows you to
select/add the Attribute and value from the list.
2. The other action buttons in this panel allows you to perform the other required actions
on the record(s).
Using the Comment tab in the TACACS+ Client Properties Entry panel
The Comment tab is one of the tabs in the TACACS+ Client Properties Panel. This tab
allows you to add any comments about the TACACS+ Client Properties panel.
The Client Classes tab
Client Classes tab
The Client Classes tab displays information about Client Classes in different columns.
Table 5-11 displays the Client Classes tab information.
To go to the Client Class Properties panel, click on the action button. The Client
Class Properties panel is displayed as shown in Figure 5-12.
Figure 5-11 Client Classes tab–Properties
Column Name Description
Client Class The alias name for the client definition class.
Dictionary Specifies the dictionary name to use for this client
class definition.
Time Zone Time zone where the NAS client is located.
Client Timeout Time in milliseconds, to specify the amount of time
the Policy server will wait before it discards the
requests. This should match the timeout set on your
NAS client.