Configuring Realm Routing TableConfiguring 8950 AAA Realm Routing Table Properties
Issue 1, December 2008
• Delete selected record
• Delete all records
• Make a copy of selected record
• Move selected record up
• Move selected record down
You can perform any of the required actions using these action buttons.
To Insert a record, click on the action button. The Route Entry panel is displayed as
shown in Figure 6-4. This panel allows you to add a record and enter information in the
required fields to the Realm Routing Table as shown in Figure 6-4.
Figure 6-4 The Route Entry–Add record panel
Table 6-1 explains each of these fields and the field descriptions. There are two sets of
properties that you need to specify in this screen.
• The Request Matching Criteria
This is used to specify the criteria for matching requests. A value of ‘*’ means match
any value.